Friday, December 28, 2007

4 month (+ 8 days) doctor visit

Eli had his 4 month check up and shots today; it was 8 days later than his actual 4 month birthday. On Wednesday, I had taken him in to the doc's office to make sure his cold was just a cold and that he could still get shots today. On Wednesday, it was just deemed a bad cold - Whew. Well, today that cold has turned into an ear infection. Ugh. Here are stats - good and bad - from the day:

Weight: 16 pounds 13.5 ounces (75-90th percentile)
Length: 27 inches (97th percentile)
Head Circ: 43 cm (75th percentile)

Now it's no wonder our 4 month old is busting out the length of 9 month clothes - he's very long!

So, now the bad:

Ear infection in left ear - is now on antibiotics for that twice a day
Skin rashes - look like beginnings of exzema; have prescription cream for that twice a day
Head flatness - very bad; called 'Torticollis' and we have neck stretching exercises that we have to do with him 5 times a day

The past few days Eli has been fussier than normal. All of this explains a lot. He has also not been eating as well as normal. He's gaining weight pretty well and on his own growth curve so the doctor figures that it's associated with his cold. Let's hope so. He also got one oral vaccine today and 3 shots. I'm glad Tim was there with me today because with everything, I don't know how I would have done alone. We're all tired around here so hopefully we'll get to bed early and get some well deserved rest. Needless to say, Mommy is trying to stay positive and not get upset (read: "cry"). I know we'll get through it but it sure does suck.

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