Thursday, August 30, 2007

Daddy's Diploma

Today was a very good day. First, Elijah and I are figuring each other out and our days are pretty good. We play some in the morning and he sleeps most of the afternoon. We play again in the early evening so he'll sleep at night time. So far, he's doing real well with nights and days. On average, he's up about 2 hours in a 10 hour span at night. Can't complain at all about that!

Now, the even better news. Tim's diploma from Wake Tech arrived today. He has spent the last two years in school to get a degree in something he would enjoy. We called it his first retirement. He has been working as a CAD detailer for an industrial company for about 3 months now and loves it. I'm very proud of him for going back to school and learning something new. He's much happier in his current job and that makes for us all to be happier!

Just had to brag on Daddy a bit about his diploma!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad things are going well! Can't wait to meet Eli... and congratulations to daddy!! :-)
