Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mommy....The Human Pacifier

At barely 24 hours old, Elijah beat me for the first time (of many I'm sure). We were going to try not to give him a pacifier. Well, last night after about three and a half hours of pretty much constant nursing, I had to give in. All he wanted to do was suck and I became Mommy the Human Pacifier. About 1:30am, I threw up the white flag and asked the nurse for a pacifier. Eli was as happy as could be after that and he has been loving life. Apparently he has a great sucking reflex and, since we're having no issues feeding, the pacifier shouldn't be a bad thing. Better that he use his reflex on a pacifier than me!

Happy Eli, Tired Mommy.


  1. Awwww, beautiful! Long live the pacifier! Anything that gives Mom a little rest. Don't forget the Lansinoh -- for human binkies it's a lifesaver.

  2. Ha, yeah we tried that, too and Noah beat us also!

    Ditto to the lansinoh comment!!
