Friday, August 3, 2007

Doctor's Appt No. 12

Well, today started the weekly doctor's appointments and the start of exams- I'm 36 weeks and 3 days along. Today's highlights:

1) Only gained one pound over the past two weeks - woo hoo
2) Blood pressure good at 106 /74
3) Did hemoglobin test - 12.1, no issue with anemia
4) Did Strep B test - we'll see how that one comes out
5) Elijah is definitely head down, doctor gave me some hope saying he seems like he'll be in the 8 pound range, unlike the ultrasound tech who scared me about having a 9+ pounder. Now, it's all a guess and he could still be 10 pounds but at least I feel a little better...for now
6) Measuring 37-1/2 to 38 weeks
7) Dilated 2 cm

Now you can walk around dilated 2cm for a few hours or a few weeks so I'm not freaked out. It's hard to tell. I guess it's best that Tim & I get our list of things done this weekend for whenever Eli makes his appearance. Eli will be considered full term Tuesday at 37 weeks and at that point, they'll let him come on if he's ready.

Definitely got to pack the bag this weekend. I know my Mom will have hers packed too before the weekend is over!!


  1. Hi Evia, You look great! Just for the record, my first came in about eight hours and was sleeping through the night at five weeks. His name is Joel! You know him right?
    My first pregnancy I lost weight the week I delivered,
    look for that "show" too. I worked until 6:00 that evening and had him the next morning at 6:00 am.
    The second one was an 8lb 5oz-er and I'm only 5'2"
    so it can be done. Good luck.
    It is all worth it! - Rebecca Palmer

  2. Hey Elija,

    Good luck for your trip on Thursday.

    Say Hi to Mum and Dad when you see them.



  3. hey i saw ur blog it
    c u l8r

