Thursday, May 31, 2012

PreK Graduation (be still Mommy's heart!!)

Oh my goodness, look at that super cute picture - my little Eli's graduation picture from PreSchool! Seriously, how in the world did we get here? Eli is finishing up his daycare / preschool years and heading to Elementary School......KINDERGARTEN!!

Last night was Eli's Graduation ceremony. Grandma C came up to go with us and we had a great time. It was so dang cute. I had no idea what to expect - it was a wonderful program. The kids walked into the gym in a line, went on the bleachers and sat in their assigned spots. How do the teachers get them to behave so well?! They did a few songs - the first was counting by 10's. Eli was #90 and all the kids proudly held up their signs when it was their time. They did a few other songs and then each kid came to the microphone and said what they wanted to be when they grow up. Then the teachers gave their view on what the child will be when they grow up. Apparently Eli had been telling Ms Denise all week that he wasn't going to say his. And he stuck to that. She had to tell everyone that he wants to be a Monster Truck Driver (anyone surprised?!). Then Ms Laura said that they fully expect Eli to be working with Monster Trucks but that he will be a Mechanical Engineer so he can design his own. It was awesome!

They did a few more songs and then it was presentation of diplomas. As each child's name was called, they walked down and met their teacher. It was adorable. I mean, our little guys and gals in caps and gowns....just adorable!! Then........tear jerker.......they did a picture slideshow to music of the past few years. Some of the boys have been together since they started at just a few months old. I cannot imagine there was a dry Mommy eye in the place. Mine sure weren't!

Once we all recovered, the Primrose class of 2012 walked out and parents followed for a little reception. They also had some sweet gifts for the kids. Each child got their official diploma, their "When I grow up" sheet with child and teacher predictions, a book dedicated to them, a cd of pictures and a shirt with their class picture on it. Such wonderful caring gifts!!

It was definitely an emotional night for me. We have loved Eli's time at Primrose and will miss his friends (and their parents!) there. It's sad for Eli and his friends to split up and go to different schools. We will try our best to stay in touch with everyone. I know Eli will make new friends when he goes to school next year but we're going to work to make this the "best summer ever" (thank you Phineas and Ferb!). 

Eli and Evan greeting each other before the ceremony
Evan & Eli - great picture!
Mommy's little graduate
Getting lined up.....all antsy
This picture and the next just make my heart smile. Eli & Evan have become such great friends. They have different personalities but they complement each other so well. This picture looks like one we may see again in 16 years and it just shows me a true love and friendship. 
Can't you imagine this as a college graduation picture? It's just so perfect!
We tried to keep Cole occupied with Legos on my iPod but that didn't last too long. He wanted to walk around. Hard to believe that it will be HIS preschool graduation in 2 years. 
Walking in
All smiles
The entire class
Singing their songs
Getting his "diploma"
Look at that face!!
This was the last picture of the slide show and the one that definitely made some tears come. Look at all these big kids "Ready for Kindergarten!!". Eli's holding his "f" high and proud. 
Eli and his teacher Ms. Laura
And with his other teacher Ms. Denise
Best family shot we could get
Happy at the post graduation reception eating cookies - I think they each had 3 or so. We were lucky that Grandma C came up!
Class shirt
Isn't this just precious?! 
Eli's class - 4K1
Eli just HAD to wear it to school today
Thanks for coming Grandma!

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