Sunday, June 3, 2012

24 Hours........

Do you remember that TV show "24"? Where Kiefer Sutherland saves the world in 24 hours and he does so much that you can't believe it was JUST 24 hours. That was our Saturday. Allow me to recap:

0600-0700 - Boys are awake and ready to start the day. Thankfully Grandma & Grandpa N are here to occupy the boys and let Tim & I rest a bit.

0700-0830 - Breakfast, go outside with Grandpa, watch Phineas & Ferb, get dressed. 

0830-1130 - I took Cole to his friend Will's 3rd birthday party at the park. The kids all had a great time. 

Hey Mr. Cuteness!
The water puddle under the tire swing quickly became THE attraction for all the little boys
Happy Birthday Will!!
Smile + Dimple = irresistibly cute face!
Swinging big boy style
All the boys digging in the sand and trying to fill up the puddle
Here's Cole, Will and Wyatt - such good buds at school
The sand lasted a while and then they were IN the water. Boys, trucks, puddle = happy!
Blowing his own bubbles
Cole and Birthday Boy Will
Cullen, Cole & Wyatt - since the party was in the morning, they had such a great idea to serve doughnuts! Cole was more interested in the salty stuff. 
Headed for the slide
Took a while but I got him to climb through the tunnel

1130-1400: Eli helped Tim & Grandma in the yard, we had lunch, put Cole to nap and then headed out to take Eli to a birthday party. 
Carrying the cut leaves away. I don't think anyone asked Eli to help, he just wanted to be in on the action. 
Helping Grandma N plant 
Pick it up
and put it in the pot

1400-1600: Take Eli to birthday party, he had a blast. It was Elea's 5th birthday held at the Gymnastics place. Eli loves all the jumping, flipping and especially the foam pit! It was a lot of fun and helped to tire him out a bit!
Lined up and ready to go
Birthday girl Elea and her adorable Barbie cake
Eli loved the cake - chocolate! It was yummy, I had to try a bite!

1600-1830: Birthday party over, back home with Eli, outside play time and dinner.

When Eli & I got back from the party, Cole had been riding the Strider bike on the road (through the puddles of course!).
And then they proceeded to RUN through the puddle on the road. 
Crazy how happy a puddle makes them!
They loved running back and forth. 

1830-2000: We decided it was a perfect night to go get ice cream at Goodberry's. I should have ordered the boys small cones but let them get waffle cones instead. Their eyes were MUCH bigger than their stomachs! Unfortunately, not by design, Grandpa N got stuck paying the bill. Thanks for the ice cream Grandpa!! It was all fun and games and ice cream until......Eli got hurt. He was goofing around acting like a cheetah, running on his hands / feet when bam! He hit the bench part of the picnic table just above his eye. He has some cuts and bruises from it and looks like he was in a good fight. I felt so bad because when he came to me crying he said "I wasn't paying attention" and kept saying that over and over again. And as a good Momma, I knew he had learned his lesson, didn't lecture him and just tried to love on him. 
BIG yummy waffle cone
A chocolate dipped cone with SPRINKLES!
The boys were amazed at all the money in the water. They were quite happy when I pulled out some coins for them to throw in.
Happy boys
Growing up fast
The only picture I got with Grandma & Grandpa tonight

2000-2400: Wrestle boys into bed, I don't even remember if we watched any tv before we passed out. It was a long busy (but FUN) day!

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