Sunday, June 17, 2012

the Rest of Father's Day

After lunch, Tim & Cole ran to look at a pop up camper (no go unfortunately) and I took Eli to Pump It Up to celebrate Colin & Andrew's 5th birthday. Pump It Up is great because the boys can run around crazy, wear themselves out while the parents get to hang out and talk. Occasionally Mommy is needed when there's a head bump or something but overall, we just get to watch. After a LOT of play time, they had snacks and cake and Eli took advantage of the party to have two CapriSuns! 

We made a quick run by BJ's for baking supplies (I have a lot of baking in progress - party season!) and then we came home to gather our stuff and Cole to go to the pool. While we spent some time at the pool, Tim worked in the yard - mowing the grass and weed eating / edging. As I mentioned in my other post, nice steak dinner ended what I think was a good Father's Day.

 Some of the rowdy boys watching the safety video.
 That form looks like a lefty! But he's not. 
 Eli created a new game where he threw the balls OUT of the enclosure and everyone else had to get them back in. He snuck out to grab a ball and was nabbed by Colin's mom. 
 Air hockey is serious business
 Just look at that intensity
 Trying to climb the mountain and grab the flags
 This face cracked me up.
 The boys had fun trying to climb to the staff guy and grab his hand.
 Eli made it and got a fun ride before being let go to slide back down.
 The cyclone machine
 The kids loved climbing in there and experiencing almost 80mph wind. 
 Party gang
 Cake, singing, candles, happy
 Andrew, Eli, Colin - these three have been together since they were just a few months old!
 Snack time at the pool
 Fun at the pool with Mommy - it's a lot of work to take two by yourself!!
 Kicking and splashing during break time
Toweled up and ready (or not so) to go home. My cuties!!

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