Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weekend fun

Lots of fun this weekend with Grandma C here visiting us! Friday night I had to go to a "black tie optional" event at the Dental School (where I just finished a building there). It was their dedication and grand opening kicking off a celebration weekend. I got all dressed up and went to the fancy schmancy dinner. It was a nice evening and everyone seemed thrilled with the building. Tim stayed home with the boys until Grandma arrived and then he escaped for some quality time at Barnes & Noble. =)

Saturday morning, we did chores around the house while the boys wore Grandma out. We did a quick library trip after lunch and then rest time for everyone. I managed to get the binding on Eli's Monster truck quilt as well - so excited about that! Saturday night, Tim & I escaped to go to the movies. It has been forever since we've gone by ourselves to a grown up movie! We went to see 'The Hunger Games' and enjoyed it. We both read the book and agreed that it was a pretty good adaptation. It was really nice to have a break from bedtime routines. With two boys, Tim & I usually each have one to put down so not putting anyone to bed was a treat!

Sunday, we went to church and then more play time outside before lunch and Grandma heading home. We made an afternoon trip to the Y where Tim did a weight workout while I rode the Triathlon bike course. You see, even with all the work I've been doing and the lack of training, I kinda have a triathlon in a few weeks. =) I was ok with how my bike was so while I'm not super excited, I'm not dreading the race so that's good. Sunday night, our friends Kara & Brian came over with their kiddos for pizza dinner and outside play time. We wore everyone out on Sunday! Bedtime was very easy as neither Eli nor Cole had napped but had played their hearts out. They were asleep in record time! 

It was a super fun weekend and we got a few things accomplished which was nice! 

Grandma's boys
I snuck up on them to get this one since Cole didn't want to cooperate with me. 
Grandma loves her boys....and they love her!
Big Bro
Backyard races - lined up and 
off they go!
Cole declared himself the winner
The boys and Grandma made a pretend house with some wood we had. Each area was a different "room". Here Cole was sleeping in the bedroom. 
Monkey in the making
And so strong
Monkey already made
He likes to hang with no hands. I used to do tricks like that when I was little!
The lineup
Cole ran to give Grandma a goodbye hug and knocked her down. 
And of course, that led to a pile up
Love love love how happy everyone was and their expressions. 
Then they had to help Grandma up
Cole climbed into Tim's lap and fell asleep for a quick cat nap
Outside pizza picnic with Owen & Faye
More races - 1) look how BIG Eli is and 2) check out the intensity on his face. It cracks me up!
Sweet Faye with her flower Ninja headband. 

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