Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend with Grandma

Grandma came to visit this weekend - yay!! The boys were so excited for her to be here and to have someone to give them attention other than me & Tim.

Grandma C arrived Friday night and, after dinner, Tim & I escaped for some shopping and Barnes & Noble time while Grandma played with both boys and put them to bed. It was weird that neither of us put them to bed, but a nice break! Saturday morning, Tim & I headed to the Y early and did a spin class. It was fun to do a class together and get it over early in the morning to have the rest of the day to do whatever. And whatever is exactly what we did - so much that I don't really remember. I did chores and cleaned up, managing to start the week off with laundry caught up. Tim did guy stuff - car maintenance, outside chores. Saturday night, we had a great hamburger dinner using fresh meat we had gotten the week before. (We got a lot of beef from the processor and have been eating yummy food. I made pot roast in the crock pot yesterday and Tim was in heaven.)

Sunday, we went to look at a big boy bed for Eli. He has been sleeping on a mattress and box spring for almost 2 years now and it was time to put him up higher. I found a Captain's bed on Craigslist and we ended up getting it on Sunday. The boys were so excited about it. We put it together, had lunch and then had to say bye to Grandma. The boys had SO much fun with her and loved the attention. Grandmas sure do know how to play! I bet she was ready for a nap when she got home. =)

Play-doh fun
Grandma, Cole, Monkey Jim and a Mickey Mouse book (Cole LOVES Mickey Mouse)
Lovely little tantrum - seeing lots of these lately
Grandma & Eli fixed puzzles upstairs. Eli has gotten really good at puzzles.
My big boy - quick snuggly hug while setting up his bed
Making sure Daddy did it right
Cole & Eli -hanging in the new bed
Check it out!! It's HUGE. So far (knock on wood) Eli hasn't fallen out. I had a moment when we put it together b/c it was all ok when Eli was just on the floor but moving him into a real! I was also worried that the boys were going to push one another and hit their head or fall off. Worrisome Mommy I know.
Sunday it was nice enough to catch a little bit of outside time.
Eli acted like he was flying on the swings so Cole had to try it too.
Swings make everyone happy (and silly!)
Eli helped me make banana bread. It's our new favorite thing - I found a marvelous recipe.
Last night, Cole discovered the door that lets you under Eli's bed. Now it's their favorite hiding space.
Cole loving on Monkey Jim at bed time - my little stinker!

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