Sunday, January 2, 2011

Camping out and catching up

Whew, it has been a long 10 days. The boys have been out of school, Tim has been off work and I've been working part days. We've tried to stay busy but it wasn't always easy since the weather wasn't too cooperative.

Let's see if I can remember the highlights: Monday - Eli & Cole had a playdate with Eli's classmate Gray. They had a lot of fun running around like crazy boys. We braved the ice and snow to get out of the house for this one. It was a much needed playdate for the boys (and the moms!). Tuesday and Wednesday are a blur but I know there was at least one trip to the Y with the boys. Thursday I worked while Tim took the boys to the indoor playground and to Chick-fil-a with Ryan and Carol. Then Grandpa & Grandma N arrived at lunch time for our delayed Christmas celebration.

We had a great family dinner. I made Pioneer Woman's chicken fried steak, her homemade mashed potatoes and green beans. Yummy! I could get used to all this home cooking if only there was more time!! After dinner we opened gifts and the boys loved that. By that time, they'd really gotten the hang of presents. Friday morning, we had a nice breakfast. Tim & his Dad put the hitch on his truck. We hung out a bit and then they were on their way back home. It's almost time for them to migrate to warmer climates so they've got to get the "bus" ready for its' journey.

Friday night, New Year's Eve - you'd never know it in this house. We just wanted to relax and bring in the new year sleeping. New Year's Day included some exercise and family time. We did manage to un-decorate our Christmas tree (Eli & Cole were great helpers) and put it outside. Then last night, Tim & Eli had a camp out in the playroom. It was so cute seeing the two of them inside the tent, sleeping on the air mattress. They slept in there all night and this morning Eli told Tim "Thank you for the camp out Daddy". It was so sweet! Next step will be to camp in the back yard and then we'll be headed for the woods!

Today was probably our best day. Tim & I did a little divide and conquer. This morning Cole had his first solo playdate with his own friend, no big brother tagging along. He had a blast playing with Boyd and was pooped out when we stopped by Ryan's house to find Tim & Eli. Tim & I switched kids and he brought Cole home to nap. Then it was lunch and nap time for Eli. Cole woke up before Eli so he went with me to the Y. By the time we headed home, Cole was asking for Eli in the truck. They played together so great after being apart most of the day.

Now the boys are sleeping and we're getting ready for the week. Going to be hard getting back into a routine and getting out the door at a specific time but we'll get it done!

Eli & Ryan were wrestling with his moose pillow on our couch. Their expressions are so funny.
Thursday we made chocolate chip cookie bars. Of course, my little helpers care mostly about the chocolate chips.
Pouring chocolate chips in the bowl. I have to mix fast so they don't eat too many!
Eli surprised me by wanting to wash the mixing bowl. I definitely let him try.
Slinky Dog from Grandpa & Grandma N. He has done miles around the house so far.
Cole got some adorable Elmo slippers. He thought they were fun and cute until he tried to walk in them and then he was not amused. He quickly went back to Grandpa to get them off his feet.
We gave Grandma & Grandpa a calendar with pictures of the boys and one with their cousins. They loved it.
Eli & Cole had to help us open our gifts. Here they helped Tim open his awesome new shop vac. I'm hoping to get my truck detailed soon!
Eli is already learning to love Craftsman tools.
Grandpa supervising Tim putting the hitch on his truck. Thankfully it was as easy as Tim thought it would be.
Eli has been playing with the "Trio" blocks his cousins sent him. He loves making all kinds of things.
Eli helping with the tent poles for the playroom camp-out.
Checking out their accomodations.
Books before bed.
Full set up - doesn't this look fun?!

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