Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our weekend and other randomness

Finally getting around to our weekend update.....and thankfully, not too much to report. The big goals for the weekend were to get Cole a new pair of shoes and get haircuts for both boys. We set the bar high didn't we?

Saturday started off with a trip to the Y. Then playtime at home, lunch, naps, Tim took Cole to get new shoes, more play time, dinner and then some running around town. We went to start looking for a bed for Eli (he only has a mattress and boxspring right now) and then, after a long wait, I finally got to go to The Container Store. Unfortunately, while it was cool, I was disappointed. Oh well.

Sunday morning we did a family trip to the grocery store. After lunch, Eli and I went looking at beds again - this time was much more successful. He keeps talking about a "slide bed". Eli refused to nap on Sunday so both boys went to the Y with me while I took a muscle class. Since Cole had napped earlier, he was fine but Eli fell asleep in the car 5 minutes from the house. I tried to get him to take a little cat nap when we got back but he was having none of it. That made for quite a whiney night. Amazingly both boys went to bed early - like 6:45 for Cole and before 8 for Eli. Crazy!

Then, of course, as we all know the ice came. We didn't really get any snow up here but Monday night we got freezing rain that caused all sorts of issues on Tuesday. The boys were still able to go to school and I was able to work from home so the day turned out ok. Unfortunately, about 5pm I got a call from my Mom that my brother Billy broke his ankle after slipping on the ice. He had surgery tonight - screws and a plate - and it went well. I wish I could fix it for him but he'll get back to good as new. Uncle Billy, we're all sending you LOTS of love. We'll see you very soon.

Cole is his cuteness modeling his down vest from Aunt Cary.
Modeling his new fancy kicks - LOVE THEM. Daddy did a great job.
Cole loves wearing his sock monkey hat. Whenever we put on his coat, he asks for it.
Eli modeling his awesome vest from Aunt Cary.
I was so impressed with Eli this weekend. He put together this alphabet train puzzle many times by himself - showing me that he can organize the alphabet in order on his own. Pretty cool!
A bed system we looked at (and liked!). Eli will get a full size bed and then a loft kit to create a playspace underneath - we won't have a dresser and bookcase like this one. This model just shows the ladder but he also wants a slide to go on the opposite end - we'll see. Maybe when he's 4.....=)
Climbing up to give it a try.
Cole has learned how to unzip his pjs so he constantly tries to undress himself. Another unfortunate new fascination is his diaper - he likes to put his hand in it. This morning resulting in a really messy hand. UGH!
More cuteness - Cole helping me work on Tuesday. He's my little number cruncher.
This was pretty funny tonight. Cole has some M&Ms in a bowl. He went into the hallway to be alone and eat them - making sure Big Brother didn't try to take any. I sat in the hallway with him and he waved me away. No one was coming near his M&Ms.
Also tonight, he tried to feed the magnet animals (Yes, Amy these are the ones from Stella Dot!). He would take them off the cookie sheet and shove cheeseballs in their mouth. He was pretty funny to watch.

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