Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Take it Outside

Oh my, this weekend was so nice! We spent lots of time outside; we have missed being outside with all the cold and crummy weather.

Saturday morning, as usual, the boys and I headed to the Y for spin class and play time. When we got home, Cole was ready to take a nap so he napped while Eli had some quiet time of his own. After Cole got up, it was lunch time and then time for Eli to nap so while Eli napped, Cole & I ran a few errands. We had SUCH a great outing. Cole was happy and cute and so sweet. I think something happened to him this weekend because he pulled out all the sweetness for us. Once we got back, we had snacks and then decided to go to the School playground to run around. Ryan and his parents also met us there so it was a fun play time for all. Before they got there, Eli & Cole had fun watching these guys run their RC gas powered cars all over the place - they were super fast! We played until it started getting dark and then walked home.

Saturday morning - book explosion. The boys LOVE "reading" books.
When Cole napped, Eli told Daddy to leave him alone that he didn't want to play. Then he settled himself "reading" a book.
Actually, looking at it now, he was reviewing the 'Cars' characters in his sticker book.
Looking like a pirate comanding his ship.
Ahoy, what do I see over yonder?
Cole was brave enough this time to try the wobbly bridge. He was tentative at first but before we left, he was going over it without holding on to the railing.
Big (little) boy Cole
Cole has gotten better at climbing ladders - he just needed a little safety support from Daddy.
Oh my cutie!

On Sunday, Ms. Katie came to stay with the boys while Tim & I went on a bike ride at Umstead. It was nice (and odd!) to go ride without them. It has been a very long time. The bike ride was tough since I had done a hard spin class Saturday but we made it through! I don't think the boys missed us a bit. They went to the park, Quizno's for lunch and were both asleep when we got home. Sunday afternoon, Ryan came over to play. It was great to let all the boys run around in the back yard. We all loved the warmer weather and sunshine - too bad it was just a tease!

Cole's new favorite hiding place - my exercise clothes in the closet.
Speaking of climbing ladders, Cole can climb into the swingset treehouse all by himself now. Can't turn our backs on him!
Running, chasing, having fun.
Eli & Ryan - buds! They played this game where they threw the ball over the fence and then went looking for it. It kept them busy for quite a while.
"Hi Mommy. Want to see what I can do?"
"Rock"ing horse.
Cole ran all over the yard with the dump truck and kept being silly with the swings. I told you he was happy and silly this weekend.
I wish I knew what they were talking about.
Eli decided to dump out this huge trash can of pine cones - that HE helped pick up!
Swinging friends. Everyone loves a swing.
Amazing what tv can do. They were actually still for a few minutes.
Hello Hollywood!
Eli saw steam rising from the pot on the stove Sunday night so he got the fire truck, put on his fire hat and put the "fire" out with the water hose
and as I was taking pictures of Eli, Cole kept saying "cheese" wanting me to take his picture.
My little camera boys. They love to take pictures using my camera and, if they're in the right mood, love having their picture taken.

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