Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Some fun stuff on this Tuesday. This week at school, Eli's class is talking about their parents and families. The teachers asked for parent volunteers to come into class and do an activity with the kids - the activity could be job, culture, hobby related, really anything you wanted to do. I decided to wear my jobsite gear and talk to them about what you wear on a construction site and why. I asked them about each item I had on and why they thought I wore it. Hardhat - in case I bump my head, of course! Glasses - so something doesn't fly in my eye. Gloves - so I don't hurt my finger. Safety vest - they didn't quite get that one at first but then agreed it was so someone could see me better. Boots - so wood didn't fall on my toes, absolutely! The kids were so great. I had made them each a paper safety vest so after we talked about my safety gear, they colored their own safety vests. I thought for sure I could keep the class occupied for 30 minutes or so. Nope, turns out a class of 3 year olds doesn't like to focus on one thing that long! After coloring, the teacher read some books before another Mom came in and did a cracking game with hard boiled eggs. The kids colored their eggs and then bumped them together to crack them.

After the fun activities, Eli & I ran to get his hair cut before getting Cole and heading home. This was a big hair cut because it was Eli's first clipper cut!! He got #4 around the back and sides and then a scissor cut on top - just like Daddy!! I was so proud of Eli, he did great. Once he got used to the clippers, it was no big deal. We all like his new haircut.

Class getting settled to start our construction discussion.
Eli's table coloring their vests.
Me with all the sweet kiddos.
Eli crushed his first egg and then put his name on his 2nd.
Learning exactly where to "bump" them.
Getting a clipper cut from Leo.
Eli liked checking out what Leo was doing in the mirror.
Awesome haircut!!

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