Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend at home

Whew....who knew a weekend at home with virtually no "plans" could be exhausting?! We started the weekend with no agenda and nowhere that we had to be but we somehow filled the weekend with stuff!

Saturday we started our day with a hike at Umstead. We tried to go early so a) Eli would be awake and b) it would be cooler. Well, Eli managed to stay awake for over half the hike and it was cooler and very enjoyable. We let Eli go helmet free and he really enjoyed it. Then it was home for a snack and nap. After nap, lunch and fun play time in the blow up pool in the yard. We visited with neighbors and hung out around the house.

Today Eli & I went for an early morning walk after breakfast (about 6:30am). It never fails that he gets up early for me but sleeps in for Tim. I decided this morning to enjoy the quiet Sunday morning and go for a walk - just Mommy and her little boy. Then it was grocery store, play play play time, a short nap and lunch. Lunch was pretty fun - Eli had raviolis for the first time. This afternoon my friend Kara and her son Owen came over to play in the pool and hang out. Our schedules have been opposite lately so it was great to finally catch up. Another short nap, more play time, dinner, family walk, bath, bottle and now bed.

The weekend probably sounds so boring when I write about it. Of course, interspersed in there were plenty of chores for Mommy & Daddy. Tim worked on a retaining wall project in the back yard. You really know you're getting old when you start doing yard projects and spend any extra money on that type of stuff instead of blowing it on something "fun".

We're off on another crazy week. My week schedules are so insane at work, it's a good thing this weekend was fairly calm. Tomorrow we have a helmet appointment so we'll see how it's going. Tomorrow makes 12 weeks - I can not believe it! Hope you all had a great weekend.

Little hiker boy

The hike wore me out

Retaining wall project

Fun pool play time

Eli meets Chef Boyardee