Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bye Bye Paci?

I'm not quite sure but I think we're on our way to saying Goodbye to the pacifier. Just like all things so far, Eli has initiated change - weaning himself off nightime feedings, changing food and nap schedules. Two nights in a row now, Eli has gone to sleep with no pacifier. Last night he didn't use it all night....and he slept 10 hours straight! Tonight he was so pooped that he took a nap snuggled with me about 6:30 and then after bath, he had a bottle and off to bed with no pacifier. I'm pretty shocked but think it's great. At school, they told us just to let them know when we don't want them giving it to him for naps. We're so lucky. Eli is such an easy (so I'm told) baby and he's just so darn cute and happy. We're also not too far from no more bottles - at least during the day. In a month, we'll start weaning him from formula and moving to cow's milk. It seems just like yesterday that he was so tiny, now he's just big! I don't think we have a baby anymore, he's our sweet little boy. =)

1 comment:

  1. It's so funny that Noah, Eli, Maya, and Stella Dot ended up being such easy babies. It must've been the prenatal yoga!
