Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Eli had a little accident at school today. He has been getting VERY brave at climbing and crusing so it was only a matter of time. I got a call on my drive home from Charlotte from one of his teachers to tell me that he had fallen and warn me about it. Of course, I'm thinking his whole face has a big swollen spot and is bruised. I wasn't in time to pick him up from school so Tim did. When they got home, I saw that it was not as bad as I thought. They said that without his helmet, it would have been a whole lot worse. He was just standing at one of the bookshelves and flopped down. He hit his cute little face. All I can say is thank goodness for the side effects of the helmet!! It has saved us from many head bumps and bruises. Eli doesn't seem bothered by it at all - after his initial screaming at school, he has probably forgotten all about it.

"You should see the other kid!"

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