Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Part 1 - down at the farm

Today we went down to the farm to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. Our original plan was to go down yesterday at nap time but Cole's ear infection changed all that. We decided it was best to get some of the antibiotic in him and get him feeling better and then make the trip. We left out about 6:30, headed to the farm, arriving by 10am. It was quite a foggy drive but luckily there wasn't much traffic and the boys traveled really well. Eli was so happy when we arrived and took off right away with Grandpa to check on all the animals. We made this trip without Belle since it was a day trip but she would have been right there with him running around had she come with us. Inside, Grandma & Grandpa had some new treasures (toys) for Eli to play with and Cole got some toys too. Spoiled boys!

We went to my Grandparents' (the boys great-grandparents) for lunch. It's always so great to see everyone and eat lots of yummy food. After lunch, Eli ran around outside, checking it all out with Grandpa and Daddy. We then went to my other Grandmother's to visit her for a bit. It was probably 2:30 or 3 pm by this time, Eli had not taken a nap and was WIDE open. After visiting for a while, we headed back to my parents' house to let Eli run around more before heading home.

The drive home was a little more difficult than the drive down. Cole entered into a spontaneous growth spurt on I85 (that's the only thing I can figure) and I swear he must have had three bottles in the 3-1/2 hour drive. I climbed into the back seat of Tim's truck (quite a squeeze for my bottom) and fed him. Once we got home, we got the boys to bed and put ourselves there pretty soon thereafter. Whew.....long day but wonderful to see my family. In a few hours, we're headed to the beach for Thanksgiving Part 2!

Cole loved playing with Grandma's froggies
Eli feeding the chickens with Grandma
Checking out the new turkeys in their pen
So much to explore
The traditional pre-lunch lemon lime punch - YUM!
Me & my boys - notice Eli is a blur, he's always in motion
Now who had too much turkey?
Eli and Grandpa
pal-ing around
Cole with his Great-Grandmother
After we left her house, Eli finally fell asleep in the truck. He probably took a 15 minute power nap and was then off again.
First Thanksgiving as a Family of Four
Eli in Niki's jeep - he got to sit inside my brother's girlfriend's Jeep and he was beside himself happy.
My brother Billy and said girlfriend, Niki
Hanging out with Grandma's Beanie Babies
Grandpa and his boys
Eli and Cole are loved so much - I'm very thankful for my parents, for all they have done for me and all they continue to do for me, Tim and the boys.

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