Sunday, November 22, 2009

Go Go Go

That pretty much sums up our weekend - go, go, go. The main objective (as it is every weekend) was to keep Eli busy. He is our super energetic boy and if he gets bored at home, he starts getting REALLY crazy and hard to handle. We did lots of fun stuff so I'll narrate through pictures.

Saturday morning, Eli & I went to my job site as it was going to be very exciting day. On Friday they had set up a 500 ton mobile crane (you don't see these every day, there are only a few in the US) to set two steel transfer girders that were just as tall as me! Eli loves putting on his vest and hard hat and being one of the guys on site.

On the bank of the excavation. The transfer girder in the background is literally 5' tall!
Eli at one of the outriggers for the crane.
Rob (my co-worker) talked to the crane operator and got Eli up on the crane next to the cab. Very cool, thanks Rob!
Eli & I at the crane. We look tiny next to it. The tires were taller than Eli!
Eli did not like when the workers were banging on the steel so he kept asking me to "hold his ears".
One of my favorite job site pictures - the mobile crane and tower crane looking up from the ground.
Eli, my mini-Superintendent, checking out the work
Inside the Superintendent's trailer, Eli found the Rubik's cube that I solved last week (with the help of the internet, I'm not THAT smart!).
Eli & Benny, my Superintendent

While we were at the job site, Tim and Cole hung out at home - a morning filled with play time (tummy time, play mat, exersaucer, bumbo, repeat), eating and napping. After the job site, Eli & I ran a few errands before getting home for lunch. The afternoon was quite enjoyable with both boys napping at the same time for about two hours. So nice! We had an early dinner and then took a family trip to BJ's to a) get it done and b) get out of the house. My facebook post before we left says it all "Eli is rabid - GOT TO GET HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE". The boy was literally running laps around the house!! Back home, it was bath and bed time.

Today started off kinda rough. I didn't realize but Tim was up for several hours with Cole in the night - apparently Cole was so fussy that Tim took him in the playroom for a while so as not to wake Eli. I felt horrible when I got up this morning and Tim told me that. We think Cole is teething because he is constantly shoving his hands / fingers into his mouth and loves to chew on anything you give him. After some yummy muffin making and eating, Eli & I went out early to buy groceries. He did pretty well and was so sweet and funny talking to everyone in the store. Then we walked over to the elementary school to meet Carol & Ryan for some outdoor play time - again, Tim & Cole hung out at home. The boys were so cute and did very well at the playground. I enjoyed hanging out with Carol and meeting some of her other friends and watching the boys have fun.

Future football player - one to watch!
I looked over and he was tee-ing it up to kick. I was quite impressed.
Down the slide - face first
Climbing the corkscrew to the platform
A snack with Ryan "at the top of the mountain"
Me with two very sweet boys

We made it home for a late lunch (like after 1pm!). Cole had been fussy for Tim and refusing to sleep so once we got Eli's lunch ready, my charge was to get Cole to take a nap. He made me work for it but he finally did go to sleep and slept for over 2 hours. Eli was tough to get down for nap as well but he gave us a decent one. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the quiet but some laundry, a shower and cutting out some patterns later, I had filled the time and I was back on Mommy duty.

Since I had the camera with me, there aren't too many pictures of Cole from the weekend. I tried to take some tonight of his new tricks. He has discovered his feet and loves to hold on to them and put his toes in his mouth. Such a cute little boy!!
Holding on to my feet - don't want them to go anywhere
Trying hard to roll over - using his feet for leverage
Hey cutie pie!!

Time to take a deep breath before a short work week and traveling for Thanksgiving. We're looking forward to seeing our family and spending time at the farm and at the beach. Watch out Grandparents - here we come!!

Have a great week everyone.

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