Monday, October 19, 2009

First dentist appointment and bye-bye paci

This morning I took Eli to his first dentist appointment. He did as well as could be expected for the dentist looking in his mouth for the first time. He fussed a bit but the dentist said it was exactly what he expects on first visit. We go back in 6 months for another check up. Good news is that we're doing a pretty good job of brushing (have room for improvement though), he has all his baby teeth and we're doing great in the no juice / no soda department. The only question I had was about the pacifier and when we need to stop it. The answer was just as I expected - as soon as possible. Ideally, the dentist said, you stop it by 18 months so that it doesn't affect growth and development of the mouth. For Eli, he said there is a slight "V" starting on the roof of his mouth instead of the natural rounding due to his night time pacifier use. Me, being mean Mommy that I am, decided that since we're already not sleeping much that we'd just go cold turkey and stop using it. Tonight Eli & I addressed an envelope to a little boy who needs a pacifier ("papi") and put the three pacifiers that we could find in there. He said bye to them and we sealed the envelope. That was all well and good until bedtime and he said he wanted them back. Tim & I both held our ground and told him that we gave them away and that they were gone. Eli kicked me out of his room and only wanted Tim. He gave Tim a hard time asking for "papi" a lot but he finally settled down and went to sleep. I think that relatively speaking he did well tonight and as long as we don't let him have his pacifier back, we'll get through it hopefully this week. Wish us luck!!

Worked out great that we saw Lucas, one of Eli's school mates at the dentist office. Eli loved looking at the fish.
Best shot in the dentist chair. He was more interested in everything around.
Our envelope to the little boy with Eli's "papi"s

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