Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tag team champions of the world

That's the nickname that Tim & I gave ourselves a long time ago and we find that it's also a requirement of parenthood. When I am about to reach my limit, Tim steps in and takes over before I lose my cool. When Tim is frustrated (which doesn't happen often, he has the patience of Job), my patience kicks up and I take over. We completely fill in the other one's gaps. I could not ask for a better partner in this parenting thing.

We survived today. Eli took his short nap this morning and we, at my insistence, kept our picture appointment. Eli wasn't too thrilled with pictures today but, as they say on America's Next Top Model, we were able to get a few frames that we could work with. I think it's actually kind of good that the pictures weren't perfect because not every picture can be that way and we all know that not every day is that way either. After pictures, we made a quick stop by Babies 'R Us and Eli enjoyed rolling around in the shopping cart. He fell asleep in the car right before we got home so Tim & I sat in the driveway for a few minutes just enjoying the quiet.

Now, even though Tim & I are tag team champions, that doesn't mean we don't need to "tag out" to others for help from time to time. This afternoon our next door neighbor (and angel) Amy took Eli from 3:30 to 5:30 so that Tim & I could have a break. Now as you would expect, Eli slept quite a bit of that time over at her house but we were happy with that. He needed a decent nap today. Tim & I took a trip to Barnes & Noble and just enjoyed some quiet time out of the house. When we got back, Eli was in a much better mood as were we. =)

Dinner time wasn't nearly as bad as the past few nights. Eli managed to eat a little bit of cereal so he's got something solid in his tummy. Tried a banana smoothie but he wasn't too interested in it. Bed time took a while. I think I just (at 8pm) got him to sleep. We started the process an hour ago but I think he just enjoys seeing everything that is going on. He's not screaming right now and has his antibiotics and a little bit of Motrin in him so hopefully he will get some good rest. We're still holding out hope that we might as well. If he wakes up, we'll take turns again getting out of bed and taking care of him until the sun comes up.

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