Sunday, April 20, 2008

Brought to you by the number 8

Today's post is brought to you by the number 8 - Eli is 8 months old today!
So what do we have to show for 8 months? Hmmmm...

Unofficially: 22.4 pounds and 30.5 inches
4 teeth - 2 top, 2 bottom
Lots of outgrown clothes
Lots of toys around the house
Many hours of missed sleep by Mom and Dad
Four million pictures taken by Mom =)
The cutest happiest little boy in the world.
We're so lucky.

So how did we spend Eli's 8 month birthday? Nothing too big. Breakfast at home, a 4-mile walk with Mommy, errands at Brier Creek and then Eli spent an hour or so with our neighbor Amy while Tim & I went on a bike ride. It has been over a year and a half since I've been on my road bike so it was nice to get out again. Tonight, dinner, bath and bed. The glamorous life of an 8 month old!
Yum, my first time eating toast

Happy 8 months sweet boy!


  1. Happy 8 month old bday Eli! You look so happy and cute! Hope to see you soon!
    Megan and Will

  2. Happy Bday! Glad to hear he's acclimating to the helmet! Did I tell you I lost my running shoes? That's how long its been...can't find 'em (and the $500 orthopedics inside them) anywhere. So much for taking up running again anytime soon...
