Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Truth about Breastfeeding

I have discovered the truth about breastfeeding - the one thing that they don't tell you in class. It's hard! They emphasize how good it is for your baby, it's natural, that it can help you lose weight and that you can save money over using formula. All of those things may be true - although for me, the weight loss thing hasn't really taken effect yet - but they don't tell you that it's hard. It requires a lot of time and a lot of patience. It also puts Mom on a short leash because she has the equipment (i.e. boobs) and unless she's pumping (which on a 3 hour feeding schedule and Mr. Eli not taking many naps right now, I don't know how in the world I'd pump), she's the only one that can feed the baby. In my case, I'm not able to feed Eli from breastmilk alone so I nurse and then have to supplement with formula. There were a few times last week when he was super fussy and not wanting to take a nap that I pondered just switching to formula. Why not, since I already have to do part formula anyway? Well, I'll tell you why I decided not. This is not about me; it's about what is best for the Little Guy and I know that breastmilk is what is best for him. So, I'll keep nursing as much as I can, even if it means every three hours. I know it won't be that way forever and as we all know, decisions must be made based upon what is best for our children.

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