Monday, September 17, 2007

A new bedtime

Well, the arrival of Eli has brought about bedtime changes in our household. Mommy & Daddy have now adopted an earlier bedtime. We used to go to bed around 10:30pm but last night was our first night of "in the bed by 9:30pm". Eli went to bed by 9pm and we turned off the tv at 9:15pm. The last time I remember seeing on the clock was 9:38pm. I slept so great before Eli's midnight feeding. It was amazing! He was up again at 4:30am and it made for a much better night for Mommy. The earlier bedtime allowed me a much needed extra hour of sleep. So for anyone that may call or stop by, be forewarned - we turn into pumpkins at 9pm!!

1 comment:

  1. Now you know why bedtime was at 9:00 growing up.
