Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week Sixteen: 4/20-4/26

MONDAY: I had lunch with Eli at school. Oh my, the conversations between 3rd grades. It was hilarious! Eli came home from school and told us that he is almost as tall as Napoleon - huh? I guess he is. Eli also had his last swim lesson with Coach Matt. We love Coach Matt and Eli has done so well learning under him. Tonight, Tim told me that he wants TIRES for his birthday - tires, yes. We're getting old! 

TUESDAY: Karate night for Cole. 

WEDNESDAY: Mommy treat - across the street is a nice spa so I had a massage during lunch. Eli had swim lesson again. It was such a cool thing to see that Coach Matt had left him a note on this swim card. In the past he has written "Best swimmer I've seen" and this time he wrote "Hope to see you on tv someday!". What a nice compliment!! We will definitely miss Coach Matt. 

THURSDAY: Cole had karate and I was so proud of him when he led the closing portion of class. No pictures but one smiling Mom! 

FRIDAY: Tim took the day off and ran down to Ikea to get us a new couch. So exciting!! We got couch like our neighbors for the playroom - out with the futon, in with a chaise couch that has a trundle to create a bed. The playroom is changing! 

Big boxes mean a new couch and....
a rowboat for these silly boys!
New couch is Tim and Cole approved. 

SATURDAY: Families On! Challenge. What a fun day. This was a family fun run sponsored by the YMCA. The tagline was "Everything you can't do at home" and there were obstacles and activities that were meant to be all the things your parents don't let you do. And it was so much fun!!! We loved doing this event with the boys and hope they will have it again. 

It was a little chilly but that didn't deter our happy.
Or silly! 

(no idea why this is sideways?)
"Don't climb on the furniture"

"Don't wake the baby" - climbing through this maze bells all over the place. 

"Don't play on the stairs" - using two pic pipes to balance and tennis ball and go up and over the stairs. 
Running away from the water blaster person.
Cole trying to "juke" him out.
"Don't throw balls in the house" - this was funny because the GOAL was to hit the chandeliers and/or pictures on the wall. 

A series of big "dog doors"

Not sure why this is rotated but got a shot of Tim going through the dog doors too. 

"Don't jump on the couch"
A massive couch that you climb on, up and over. 

Hey cuteness!

"Don't break the plates"
The goal here was to throw plates into dishwashers.
They really got into it.

"Big Pillow Fight"
Feathers everywhere!

Eli & Cole thought this was fun because I fuss at them for pillow fighting. 

I don't remember what this was called but the goal was to use the ropes to carry a small pan with a glass of water and not spill it. 
Painted each other a bit.
Pasta run
Here you ran through while volunteers threw pasta and flour at you. 

Big huge bubble bath at the end.
This was a lot of fun to play in. 

Bubble family

Such a fun event! 

Found this in Cole's school folder - funny that his favorite place is Target. You can buy pretty much anything there!
Saturday night I worked on new curtains for the living room. I had a fun moment when I realized I was sewing curtains with "Ruth" - my sewing machine. My Grandma Ruth used to sew curtains as her job. It struck me as a neat moment. 

SUNDAY: Church, a trip to check out Rocket Fizz - the new candy store and then the Healthy Kids Fun run. 
Cole picked out this ugly gummy tarantula. 
I think Eli went for the longest lasting with a huge lollipop. 
Healthy Kids Race #3 of 5 - race #2 was cancelled last week due to weather and will probably not be rescheduled. 

Yay Cole!

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