Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week Four: 1/20-1/26

This week started off with a holiday - Martin Luther King Day - on Monday and I actually had a little time to myself that day! Cole was at school, Eli was at the Y and that gave me some time to go on a bike ride with my friend Jenny. We had an awesome time being out, even though we did go on a busy road. Jenny overcame her fear of riding with cars and we got in some good miles (23 to be exact!). Monday night, the Scout troop had a "Go See" and went to Char-grill to check out "behind the scenes". I think Eli loved it and he was especially happy when Daddy got him a milkshake! 

Tuesday night, when I was doing Eli's devotion, the subject was "Fear". I asked him what he's afraid of. He thought for a few seconds and then said "Bears"......and Sharks. Are you afraid of sharks Mommy? I'm really not. I'm just afraid of bears." So there you have it! I'm glad that the only thing Eli is afraid of is bears. We will definitely try to keep bears away from him! There are so many things that can consume your mind and that you can be "afraid" of and I'm glad that Eli is a confident happy kid who doesn't worry about stuff yet. He and Cole both deserve to enjoy being kids!!

We went from a super awesome gorgeous Monday to a little bit of snow and a 2 hour school delay on Wednesday. How does that happen?!! Eli went out for a few minutes in it but the boys were mostly uninterested. They were just excited to watch some extra cartoons! 

This weekend we had lots of fun family time. I also took Eli to a tae kwon do birthday party Saturday afternoon for his buddy Dawson who turned 7. It was a super cool birthday party! They a "demo team" from the school put on a show for the kids and then they did some lessons with the kids. After the main demonstration, they had three different sections for the kids (there were 3 parties). One was a board breaking room - so cool! The second was an obstacle course and the third was cake / snacks. It was so much fun and Eli really enjoyed it. We spent our Saturday night playing games (Dweebies and Scrabble) and went to church this morning. Now we have to catch our breath and get ready for another week! 

Jenny & I - had to take a photo break! 
"Go See" at Char-grill
Eli was unimpressed by the dusting of snow. Didn't even cover the ground. 
Silly brothers - they always come up with something to entertain themselves! 
Tae Kwon Do party
"Now hit the board, not your Momma"
Playing a little tae-kwon-do Simon Says. 
Dawson cutting his birthday cookie with a machete!
The whole birthday party crew. 
At it again these two! Eli came walking into the room with Cole on his shoulders. I have no idea how he did that but man he sure is strong! 
Dweebies - our favorite card game. It says ages 8 and up - nope, both our boys play it and Cole is like a card shark on it! He's a super awesome Dweebie player and beats us almost all the time (and we TRY to beat him!). 
Daddy + Eli versus Mommy in Scrabble

Mommy won.....Eli wants to me on my team next time. =)

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