Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the Rest of our Holiday weekend

How can you possibly top an afternoon of playing in the mud? We managed to fill the remaining two days of our holiday weekend trying. =)

Sunday morning, we went on a family bike ride. Since it had rained a lot (obviously) we stuck to greenway riding. We got lots of looks and were quite the rolling sight. Cole was happy in the trailer for most of the ride but got cranky near the end yelling at me - "Stop Mommy, Stop Mommy". He sure let me know he wasn't happy! Eli loved riding his trail-a-bike with Tim. Overall it was a lot of fun for all of us. Lunch and nap time later, we had some friends over for a cookout. I didn't get any good pictures but Eli & Cole had fun playing with their friend Amanda. She is a tough cookie and held her own against our crazy boys!!

Monday morning, I took the boys to the Y so I could take a Functional Fitness class taught by the most hard core instructor I've ever seen. She is intense and amazing! I know the class is tough but since she only teaches Monday at 8:30am, I usually miss it.....but not this week. I'm already sore from it - a good sore I think! After the Y, the boys & I met Evan and his Mom at the park for play time and a picnic. It was great. The boys ran and played and had fun together. It was really hot by the time we left and Eli & Cole were pooped. Cole was even asking to go home. Cole took a super nap, Eli just an ok one and then we hung out at home. A little ice cream snack, more play time and we called it a day!

Cole being silly with the pillows on our bed.
Cole all strapped in (with snacks) and ready to go.
Eli waiting to get on his bike.
He is SO BIG! Can climb on his bike by himself.
Our wheels - all seven of them!
Mommy with little cuteness.
Daddy & his boys - Cole decided to test Tim's Camelbak when I tried to take pictures. His first time!
Eli & Evan playing at the park in the sand.
Look at that baseball player!
Snack time - yes, I dress Eli & Cole in the same colors when we go anywhere where they'll be running around. Helps me find them!
Three handsome crazy boys - Cole, Eli & Evan
Mr. Hollywood!
We love swings!
Being silly - baby swings with Cole.
Mommy loves her boys.
Oh, this is hilarious. After nap, Eli asked Daddy if he could play the "bird game". Yes, my son knows how to play Angry Birds (and I do not!).
Ice cream snack
Cole with cupcake icing all over his face.

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