Friday, May 6, 2011

Karate Schmate

Monday Eli had his first karate class. It didn't go so well. I had hoped that he would be interested in karate and it would help him learn some discipline, focus and self control. Thankfully we got a VIP pass from a friend and it gave us 2 weeks + a uniform free. So I took him Monday night, dressed him in his uniform - cute as can be! - and I was optimistic that he would love it. He was in a class for 3-5 year olds. Eli was totally NOT interested. He walked over to the group with the instructor but pretty much after that, except for maybe 90 seconds of a 30 minute class, he refused to participate. He just sat around, laid on the mat, watched another class, watched his class, crawled over to me - you name it, he did it. Since he did not participate in class, he didn't get to keep his uniform or earn his white belt. I apologized to the instructor and thought maybe Daddy could do better at Thursday night's class.

Last night, Tim & I met at school to pick up the boys. I took Cole home while he took Eli to class. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner and at 5:46pm, I heard the garage door open. I knew it was not a good sign since class was supposed to be from 5:30-6:00pm. Eli did not want to wear the uniform, watched a little bit but apparently kept telling Tim that he wanted to go home. So they did.

Maybe he's not ready yet, maybe he will never be interested in karate. Who knows. All I know is that we gave it two shots, he had no interest either time so we're not going to push it. Tim & I made a commitment to ourselves and the kids not to force them to do anything sports related that they don't want to do. It was clear to us that Eli didn't want to do karate so we'll see what his sporting interest will be.

Eli HAS been talking about swimming in the deep end of the pool so thankfully I had already signed him up for swim lessons in June. I imagine those will go much smoother than karate. =)

Walking with the instructor to join the class
Sitting and watching the other kids
He did one stretch with them
See how un-interested he was.
But he's so cute!
Watching the big kids.

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