Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weekend at Grandma & Grandpa' the city

I remember growing up needing a point of reference and trying to remember which Grandparent was which and where we were really going when my parents said we were going here or there. It's hard when you're little and you don't understand last names. So......Eli has determined that Tim's parents are Grandma and Grandpa that live in the city - not the farm where my parents live. It's so darn cute.

We took off to Tim's parents' house this past weekend to visit them and get away to help me absorb the loss of Belle. We headed out Friday night and the boys were great driving down - sleeping a lot of the way. As soon as we arrived, Eli popped wide awake and asked if we were in the city. Adorable!! It took a while to get everyone calmed back down and to sleep but we managed it - me sleeping with Cole and Tim sleeping with Eli.

We had grand plans to go to the beach on Saturday but we ended up just enjoying being with Tim's parents and relaxing. (I even managed to read a book over the weekend!) We hung out in the morning and then went to see Tim's friends Preston, Maria and their two boys after nap time. It was so much fun to watch four boys running around and playing together. Cole wanted to be part of all the action but just isn't quite there yet.

Saturday night was kinda rough - Cole did a lot of crying and screaming. We're not sure what was going on but it was obvious that he was in pain. We managed to daylight but poor Cole was never a super happy camper. Eli enjoyed roaming the yard and playing outside with Grandpa and playing cars with Grandma. Cole had fun exploring and seeing what he could find. It was very exciting on Saturday when Cole pulled up for the first time! He was so proud of himself! Now he has done that several more times. That boy is about to take off running after his brother.

Sunday's drive back was a little rough. Eli is a great traveler but Cole isn't quite there yet. He was pretty fussy most of the drive back and we're still trying to figure out what is going on. Coming home was a little hard on me. It was the first time I've come home with no spotted dog waiting on me. The weekend away was a great distraction and helped me deal with things a bit but I must confess that I still have my moments. All things heal with time.

Eli was all about strawberries this weekend. He ate TONS of them.
What happens if you're too slow taking a picture - toddler subject decides to leave.
Baby Cole testing his walking legs outside with Grandpa's help.
Eli had so much fun riding in Grandpa's trailer behind the lawn mower.
I love this face!
Grandma's teaching moment - Eli kept pushing rocks into the fish pond so Grandma made him get them out. He didn't push them back in the rest of the weekend.
Digging in the dirt with Grandpa
Serious digging
Hanging with Buddha
Baby Cole didn't feel good and enjoyed a break on Grandma's lap
Eli & Thomas playing match box cars
All four boys - again, got to be quick on the shutter!
Such concentration with the tongue hanging out -
This swing always gets lots of use. It's very peaceful to swing at their house.
Grandma & her boys

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