Monday, May 3, 2010

Our weekend

Busy weekend at home. Amazing how exhausted we are when the weekends are over - have to go back to work to rest!

Saturday: The boys & I went to the Y early. Play time when we got home. After naps, we spent more time outside. Eli LOVES being outside and cheers when it's time to go out. Love it!

Sunday: I went for a road bike ride early in the morning. It was my first road ride in probably 3+ years and I think I did pretty good for that long of a drought. Tim drove out with the boys to find me so Eli could see his Mommy riding. That was really fun. Once I got home, Eli & I picked up Ryan & Carol to go to the playground. We started at one playground but after a while decided to go to another one. I joked that times sure have changed when our weekend includes "playground hopping" - quite different from 10-15 years ago! The boys had a great time digging in the sand and climbing on all the structures. Cole had been having some coughing and breathing issues so Tim took him to the doctor while we were gone. I was worried about strep since it has been going around. Verdict was just croup but they gave him some medicine to help his breathing. (It definitely helped him rest better last night.) After nap time, we spent more time outside and watered our garden (the garden is a whole different post. Not going too well right now.). I also had a lot of fun watering Eli. He kept asking me to spray him with the hose so I obliged....and Eli loved it! The boys played on the swingset and we just enjoyed being outdoors together.
Cole got new shoes. He's trying so hard to pull up and needed some traction.
Fun digging in the sand
Two little buds - fun with Ryan
They spent most of their time on the "diggers".
So crazy!
2nd playground - Eli took great care to line up all the X's. I think he inherited his Mom's need for order!
Sunday afternoon I heard him get up from his nap and when I went to check, he was taking a break on the stair landing before he came downstairs.
Fun on the swingset
Oh that sweet face!
Wet from head to toe

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