Sunday, May 9, 2010

a wonderfully sweet Mother's Day

My oh my, how I love being celebrated by my boys. Each year it gets more fun. Last year I was pregnant with Cole so this was my first Mother's Day with two boys. Everyone slept well so a big treat was being able to sleep in. It won't sound like sleeping in to most people but I did not get out of bed until 7:45am - ahhhh the luxury! When I opened the bedroom door, Tim, Eli & Cole were coming downstairs with presents in hand. I jumped back in bed for the Mommy celebration. Since I wasn't home Friday when the boys brought their gifts home, Tim kept them from me until actual Mother's Day. I'm so glad he did. The theme was "Hands down you're the best". Cole's gift was an apron for me with his handprints all over it and Eli's gift was a cute tote with his handprints on it. I never knew how much I would love handprint presents!! These sweet little hands that I love to hold. Tim gave me a wonderful card and perfume and made us all a yummy breakfast. While Cole took a morning nap, Tim took Eli outside and gave me about an hour of quiet. Then we all went to the airport observation park and had a picnic while watching airplanes take off and land. Eli had a great time making new friends and playing with all the kids running around. Cole took an afternoon nap but Eli wanted nothing of it so we hung out together while Tim mowed the lawn. Before dinner, we went on a great long family walk. Mr. No-Nap actually fell asleep on our walk. It was so cute because Eli had his head resting on Cole and Cole just sat there. Such sweet brothers. The rest of our evening was a normal evening and the boys went to bed fairly early giving us a little bit of time together. Thank you HB for a very special Mother's Day and for our wonderful family.

Opening gifts - see Eli's cute blue bag?
My apron - not sure I'll be able to make myself use it. It's so cute!
picnic at the airport park
Baby Cole - hair flying in the wind, makes me laugh
Eli had a blast climbing on the spider structure
and playing in the sand (Cole wasn't such a fan)
and acting like an airplane
and watching airplanes
Daddy and Baby Cole, just chillin'

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