Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Ant Update

So this morning, I called the nurse's hotline at Eli's pediatrician's office to ask about his ant bites. They happened Tuesday around 8am and the area went from red and kinda swollen to little white bumps to bigger white bumps (puss bumps). From everything I could find to read, it looked like the normal course for fire ant bites and that they would heal. Still, something worried me - maybe it's the fact that Eli is not yet 2! - so I called in. They had me bring Eli in this afternoon so they could be sure the bites weren't infected. Right now it doesn't look like it and the Doctor confirmed that they look like fire ant bites. She gave us a prescription for antibiotics as a precaution because Eli could easily scratch the bites and open them up to infection. Although nothing is serious about them, I'm glad I went to have them checked.

On a side note, Eli weighed in at his appointment on the big stand up scale - no more baby sitting down for him. He was such a big boy weighing in at 31-1/2 pounds. He was talking the entire time we were there and was especially cute when the doctor walked in - he said "Hey Doctor" as soon as she entered our room. My charming little boy. =)

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