Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sick and pregnant

I think the Bill Cosby skit is actually "sick and tired" - I wish that's all it was!! I think I picked up something from Eli and it has knocked me on my butt the past few days. My fever did break about 4am today, thankfully! I actually went to the doctor this morning and she confirmed that it's something viral and that I need to rest up b/c they don't want me to deliver a baby sick (and neither do I!!). I never ever miss work for being sick but I came home at lunch yesterday and am not going in today. The only reason I made that decision is because this is about more than me. I want to get better for all my boys - the two already here and the one on the way. When Mommy's sick, it makes it harder on everyone.

Other stats from today:
  • Weight - actually lost weight since last week, guess not eating will do that!
  • Blood pressure - pretty good 110/62
  • Lungs sounded clear so glad this is just something viral that hopefully I can beat
  • Heard 2.0's heartbeat, he's still doing good in there even though I've been bouncing him around a lot with the coughing and sneezing
  • Dilated 1 cm

Go back next Wednesday so we'll see if I can get myself better and then see where we are.