Friday, August 22, 2008

1 year check up

Today we had Eli's 1 year appointment and check at the doctor's office. He was such a big boy and did a great job. When we first got there, I let him out of the stroller and off he went to play with all the toys. It was his first time loose in the kids play area and he loved it.

Here are his stats (we're reporting them to NCSU so they can start recruiting him for football):
Weight: 26 pounds, 4.4 ounces (90th percentile)
Length: 32-1/2 inches (97th percentile)
Head: 47.75 cm (75th-90th percentile)

He's our little linebacker in the making. He already has a great football nickname - "Dozer".

I had to fill out the 12 month questionnaire about what he's doing and he is off the chart with his skills. Communication he's a little above where he should be at this age and his gross and fine motor skills are amazing. He has been walking for over 6 weeks now and the doctor was quite impressed with how he's doing. I told everyone when he was born that he wasn't a newborn but rather about a month old. Seems I may have been right!! But really, he's doing great. Has been drinking whole milk out of sippy cups for probably two weeks now - no more bottles here. We've had an issue with eating eggs (rash breakouts) so we'll wait a few months before trying eggs again. We do have to follow up with a pediatric urologist - if you don't know why, I'm not going to explain here but feel free to email me and ask. He got two shots and handled them like a champ. A little crying but not screaming full force. He was more annoyed about being held down than anything. He got two big boy bandaids and we were off on our way. We go back at 15 months for his next check up and will probably get him a flu shot before then.

He has a helmet appointment next Friday (the 29th) and Tim & I think we're about finished with the helmet. It is getting tight on him and they have done about all the grinding they can do on one side. It's harder to get on him these days because of his head growth so we'll make it one more week (that'll be almost 21 weeks) and then I think we may be done. Of course, we'll let the specialist advise us what we should do but we think we're almost there.

Hope everyone has a good night. Got to finish getting ready for Eli's big birthday party tomorrow!

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