Sunday, November 24, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

You know, it can sometimes be hard to explain and teach your kids that there are some little boys and girls not as fortunate as them. I try to talk to Eli & Cole and let them know how fortunate and blessed we are for our house, clothes, food and family as there are a lot of people (big and little) who would love those things. Keeping kids grounded in American society can be a hard thing. It's a challenge that Tim & I take very seriously. All that being said, we do love when Christmas comes around and we have the opportunity to participate in Operation Christmas Child through our church. Last year we tracked our boxes (packaged for boys the same age as Eli and Cole) across the country to their final destinations in Malawi. 

This year we were excited to participate again. Knowing that a little boy somewhere would enjoy opening his shoe box of goodies and seeing that someone he doesn't know cares about him is really what Christmas is about. While Eli & Cole love opening presents, we wanted them to think about presents for others too. When we shopped for the shoeboxes, we made sure to remind them why we were shopping and what we were shopping for - for someone else, not them. We wrote our friend in whatever country a letter telling a little about the boys and hope we'll eventually get one in return. We have some friends who have so maybe one day. =) As the boys get older, we'll look for appropriate volunteer opportunities to do as a family. I have visions one day of serving a meal at a soup kitchen together. 

Letter to our new friend
Shoeboxes ready to go!
Taking them to drop off at our church
"I gave a shoebox"

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