Thursday, February 4, 2010

7 months old

My 7 month old sweetie

Happy 7 month birthday Sweet Baby Cole! We have all made it past the half way point to your first birthday. You're growing and changing every day. It's so much fun to watch. Here are your Month 7 highlights:
  • STILL waiting to witness the roll over. You are not a big fan of being on your tummy but I can't get you to roll yourself back over.
  • We spent more time dealing with ear infections and lots of doctor visits but you got tubes put in your ears two days ago and already seem to be much happier as a result. You even slept all night last night! You did wake up at 1am but managed to soothe yourself back to sleep. Hopefully you'll realize that a good night's sleep is a good thing. =)
  • You are sitting up on your own now, actually very well. You so much want to do everything that Eli is doing. I find you all the time grabbing his toys and playing with them (especially Monster trucks!). Eli loves you so much and you two are going to be a hand full!
  • You're an eating, but not drinking, machine. You love solid foods but still don't drink very much from your bottle. Favorites still tend to be any and every kind of squash and sweet potatoes. We also introduced carrots this month and you loved them, however you didn't like the black beans. You've also discovered puffs and really want to feed yourself all the time.
  • You have started jabbering up a storm. Sometimes it's like you and I carry on our own little conversation.....and I love it!!
  • You are very close to 20 pounds and we'll be upgrading your car seat this weekend. No more bucket for you!
  • We got to enjoy your first snow. Bundled you up like a little smurf in the blue fuzzy suit and we enjoyed being outside. You were too cute!
  • You are doing so great at school. You love your teachers and they love you. You're quite the snuggle bunny and get lots of loving there.
  • (Late addition) Forgot to tell you about your teeth! Your bottom right tooth has come through and the bottom left is breaking the surface now. You'd try to eat a cheeseburger if we let you.
Month 7 was again filled with ups and downs and, due to the winter, a lot of shared sick between you and Eli. We made it through and are going full speed into Month 8. Thank you for your sweetness and the precious memories we're making.

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