Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 6 months Cole!

Hard to believe Baby Coleman (as Eli now calls you) that you're 6 months old today. It seems like just yesterday that we had you but also seems like you've always been part of our family - how is that possible? What do we have to report for Month 6, let's see......
  • Still waiting for to witness the roll over. You don't seem to like laying down these days so it may be a while before we see it.
  • The past month was spent with lots of doctors visits, lots of antibiotics and not a lot of sleep - for anyone. Ear infections and viruses have continued to plague us. You just haven't been able to shake your ear infection that started before Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will get it figured out soon.
  • You're trying very hard to sit up. We've been working on it and today when I picked you up from school, you were chillin' in the u-chair.
  • You're putting a lot of weight on your legs and trying to stand up all the time. You like playing in the exersaucer because you can stand on your own.
  • You've been eating more solid food and, just like your Mommy, didn't take very well to green peas. =)
  • We had fun celebrating your first Christmas. Santa and the Grandparents were very good to you!!
The past month has been a hard one and you've had a rough go of it. We've started seeing our happy Cole again so that is wonderful. Hopefully once we get your ears figured out, you'll be back to happy all the time! We're still looking forward to you sleeping a full night. So far you haven't been a fan but we can still hope!!

Happy Half-Birthday Cole, we love you sweet boy!

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