Friday, January 8, 2010

6 month report card for Cole-man

Today was Cole's 6 month well check at the doctor. Thanks to the 2 hour school delay and an 8:45 appointment time, Eli went to the doctor with us. Both boys behaved very well; Eli got antsy towards the end and was driving me a little crazy but including shots, we were there 1-1/2 hours so I can't really blame him.

Cole got a thumbs up from the doctor. All body parts, systems, etc checked out perfectly. I had to fill out the 6 month survey about things he is or isn't doing and he's right where he needs to be. He does still have fluid (as we knew from the other day) in his right ear but since he's acting better, we're not going to put him on another antibiotic. If it starts bothering him, we'll just get a prescription then. After Cole's check, the doctor listened to Eli's heart and lungs (at his request) and it was so funny how serious he was about the whole thing. He was actually breathing deep breaths and was so happy when she said he sounded great. Our doctor is so wonderful. Both boys love her - and so do we!

Today's stats:
Weight - 18 pounds, 12.5 ounces - 75th percentile
Length - 28 inches - 90-95th percentile
Head circumference - 46 cm - 95th percentile

The funny thing about all these is that they're oh so darn close to Eli's at 6 months!! Cole is 1/2 pound lighter, 1/4" shorter (same as at birth) but his head is more round so his head is bigger than Eli's was at 6 months. I just cannot believe how close they continue tracking after being almost identical in birth size.

Cole also got two shots - Flu shot and Pentacel - and one oral vaccine, Rotavirus. I take him back in four weeks for three more shots. Ugh! He did great for the shots and barely even cried. Eli wasn't sure why the nurse was making his brother cry but I told him it would happen so he handled it ok.

Today we also scheduled for Cole to get tubes in his ears. I ended up making FIVE doctor's appointments today - 2 at our doctor for regular stuff and 3 for the surgery (pre-op, surgery, post-op). Cole will get his tubes on Feb 2nd. We're hopeful that we can keep him healthy between now and then. We'll be happy to get him some relief.

The rest of our 6 month report card is how are we doing these days. We're doing much better now that everyone is pretty much healthy. Still not sleeping as much as we'd like but it is getting easier. I think just Cole being bigger and not as fragile makes it that way. I looked back and Eli didn't sleep through the night until he was 10 months old so we have hope! Mentally I'm doing better balancing everything and really happy to have two sweet crazy boys!

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