Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Health update - all of us

So much going on.....here's our update:

Eli - still on antibiotic for ear infection discovered last week. Seems to be over the tummy bug but still isn't eating much. Continues to be whiney and fussy. Hasn't been sleeping very well - wakes up several times a night crying.

Cole - had a follow up dr appt today to recheck his ears. Ear infection still there. On 4th antibiotic (a z-pac this time) to keep it from getting worse and a fever developing. Dr recommended we have an ENT look at his ears. Appt scheduled for next Wed. His ear infection has been there since before Thanksgiving and isn't responding to any of the antibiotics so it may be time to do tubes.

Evia - fully recovered from tummy bug, still very tired and weak, somehow still upright.

Tim - fully recovered from tummy bug, has been Super Dad-ing it getting up with Cole in the middle of the night, somehow still upright.

Belle - showing lots of Old Lady signs these days. Getting up / down is harder for her so we're going to increase her arthritis meds to see if it will help. She will be 14 in March so that does make her almost 100. It's hard to watch her struggle sometimes and even harder to think of future decisions we will have to make.

I surely hope we're on the mend. It's been good that we're home from work / school this week so we can all get better but it's also hard because we're together 24/7 and trying to keep Eli occupied and Cole happy that whole time can be challenging. But we're getting there and taking it day by day. My original plan for this week was to go to the Y every morning with the boys and exercise as well as lots of afternoon activities.....guess someone had a different plan for me!!

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