Friday, September 4, 2009

Two Months old

Happy 2 Months Cole!! It is so hard to believe as time is flying by.

We have had a great month together. You continue to be such a sweet boy. I call you my angel boy because you just go with the flow and don't get upset too much. Your brother was (in my memory at least) much fussier; I imagine it was because it was all so new to me. Our days right now are spent doing a little exercise, some house chores and any errands that we need to do. We try to see friends and neighbors some each week. This past month you went on two road trips - to visit each set of Grandparents. The trips went much better than expected. You have met so many people from each side of the family this past month. You also went to both Mommy & Daddy's work places. Eli has been really good with you. He likes to report to me what you're doing when he can ("Baby Cole happy", "Baby Cole sleeping", "Baby Cole sad" - that's for when you're fussing) and has started trying to pick you up. I have to watch him but it's so sweet that he wants to hold you. He will pull you close and give you a hug. I hope you two will be the closest of brothers and always love each other.

We have one more month together before I have to go back to work. We've started going to the Y so Mommy can get back in shape and the ladies in the nursery love you because you're so easy. We're also working on more tummy time and holding your head steady. You're very strong and have good head control. We take you for your 2 month check on Monday so we'll get your stats and see how you compare with Eli. I have a feeling you won't be the "little" brother long!

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