Monday, September 7, 2009

2 month check up

Cole had his 2 month check at the doctor today. Mr. "I'm such a laid back baby you'd think I was always asleep" did great. Doctor did the normal well baby exam and all looked great. I had a question about his eating. He takes a long time to eat - I call it lolly-gagging. A 5 ounce bottle can easily take 45 minutes to an hour. That's all well and good except at 2am when you really want to go back to bed but end up awake for an hour and a half - I digress.....Anyway, she said he has a good sucking reflex and couldn't find any reason why he takes so long other than just being a slow eater. I'm really concerned about it because he will start daycare in a month and I want to make sure he is eating. I'm going to experiment with the time between feedings and wait until he's really hungry as opposed to every 3 hours or so. She said he is gaining weight nicely so there's no concern from that standpoint.

At 2 months, our doctors do 3 shots (Pentacel, Prevnar, Hep B) and one oral vaccine (Rotateq). I opted to only get one today - it was Pentacel, one shot that includes Dtap, IPV and HIB. He did amazingly well, barely even cried when the nurse gave him the shot. Nurse told me that when babies flex their leg before the shot that it hurts more and Cole was relaxed as could be. I'll take him back in 2 weeks to get the other vaccines.

Today's stats:
Weight - 12 pounds, 11 ounces (75th percentile)
Length - 23-1/2 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head circumference - 41 cm (75-90th percentile)

He's not quite as big as Eli (barely) but definitely holding his own. I'm going to have my hands full!!

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