Friday, May 15, 2009

Things I love right now.....

Every day there seem to be little moments that make me think "oh I love how Eli does that" or "I love how cute he is when..." so I thought I'd capture a few things that I am loving right now.
  1. When Eli wakes up each morning, in the absolute sweetest voice he says "Hi Mommy"
  2. He's all about Mommy hugs right now. He will run to me, I scoop him up for a hug and he just falls into me. He tucks his arms under his body and while moving back and forth goes "Mmmmm, Mmmmm, Mmmmm" - yes good hugs!
  3. Words, words and more words - Eli narrates our drives anywhere. He points out cars, trees, dogs, people and tells me about them. It's amazing how much of a vocabulary and understanding he has right now.
  4. Love of books - Tim + I love to read and Eli loves for us to read him stories and he also likes to spend time "reading" himself. He will tell us all about the pictures. It surprises me how many titles of books he knows. Favorites right now include 'Wild About Books', 'Danny and the Dinosaur' and the ever favorite 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom'.
  5. "Please Bob Bob" - although we try to limit Eli's tv watching, he's so cute. He will ask "Please Bob Bob" and then look for the remote. He loves Bob the Builder - guess it's only appropriate in our house!
  6. Pitter Patter of not-so-little feet - Eli runs everywhere he goes right now. To the bathroom to brush teeth, to dinner, to throw away trash, to go name it, he's running. It's so sweet to hear his footsteps. 
  7. "Blankie" and "Papi" (pacifier) - when it's bed time or nap time at home, Eli goes on a "Blankie" and "Papi" hunt. He knows that they're only allowed when he's on the bed so sometimes he will just sit on the bed with them or occasionally he'll try to escape to another room with blankie in tow. 
I'm sure there are many other things if I thought much harder but these are a few that I enjoy every single day. He is changing and growing so much that there will probably be a new list next week - that's why I wanted to capture these now. 

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