Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Last Day of Work

Today was my last day of work at my current company. It doesn't quite feel real yet. Walking out of the office, leaving everything - phone, computer, paper - behind and knowing that no one would be calling or emailing me. Quite a weird feeling when you've been somewhere 8-1/2 years. I'm not a company hopper. In fact I've never taken a job that I felt was "temporary" or a "stepping stone". I've always jumped in with both feet and did my very best, only company changes and / or people changes made me re-evaluate. This move has been a long time coming. A few tough years with some of the people I worked for made me question the integrity of some folks (both in my company and our clients) and realize it was not where I wanted or needed to be. A VERY long process to answer the question of where I belong has finally come to conclusion. In construction for almost 17 years, I've mostly done Education work - both public and private / both K-12 and University work. My new opportunity will allow me to be Executive Director of Construction for a local school system. It's a dream job for me and it takes me back to what I love.....K-12 schools. 

For now, I get 2 weeks off to try to handle some life-stuff before starting over. I know it will go by fast but hopefully I can start scratching off the super long to-do list I have. Wish me luck!!

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