Monday, October 29, 2012

Family Fun Weekend

We are learning to enjoy weekends so much more these days!! 

Saturday - family bike ride. We went to the greenway and did 13.5 miles together. Eli is turning into a super biker and is a big help pedaling with Daddy. Hopefully soon, I'll start pulling him because Cole is no help at all just riding in the trailer; he's a heavy load!! The boys love being outside and we have so much fun doing it. After the bike ride, the boys were tired so after lunch, we had a lazy afternoon. I snuggled up with both boys on the couch. Cole took a 20 minute cat nap on me but Eli never did. I have no idea how he kept going all afternoon and evening! This afternoon, are more leaf raking, they got their bikes out to ride in front of the house. Eli was just trying to move to stay awake. I think he was so tired that he would have fallen asleep standing still had he stopped long enough!

Sunday - we went to church, had lunch and then I took Eli to a birthday party. It was his first birthday party of his new friends at Leesville - this one a friend from before/after school care. I was excited (but nervous!) to meet some of the Moms from his school and see some of his friends. There is nothing cuter than a group of 5-6 year old boys playing and having fun together. They entertained themselves and had a blast. It could not have been more perfect. I think Cole took a nap with Daddy while we were gone. When we got back from the party, I left the boys with Daddy and enjoyed a solo trip to the grocery store. Ahhh, the simple things in life!! The boys were both tired from the day so after dinner, early baths and bed time. I was even able to stay awake long enough to cut fabric for a new project! 

Mommy's cute cargo - he ate literally the entire time! And he ate all the snacks I had with me!
Eli & Daddy - must be in the front
Daddy's biking boys
Cute brothers
A priceless picture - you can't really tell BUT Eli & Cole both decided they had to poop in the woods. Definitely will not have a problem with them camping! 
Playing in the tree after we finished
Way up high
Really way up high!
Biking in full ninja gear - mask AND swords
Absolutely hilarious!
Cole is getting really good at balancing on his Strider Bike. And really fast too!
A tired boy. I could not resist taking a picture - so peaceful. =)

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