Saturday, November 12, 2011

Aunt Cary came to see us!

Aunt Cary came for a quick visit from Colorado and we had a great time! We always love seeing her and are super happy she came to see us. She arrived to our house Thursday afternoon and she went with me to pick up the boys and experience the chaos of daycare pickup. We hung out Thursday night and got everyone to bed at a decent time. The boys were super excited to see her and put her to work reading bed time stories.

Friday, we kept the boys out of school and we got to spend the whole day with Cary. I wanted to give her the full Eli / Cole experience. We went to the Y first thing. She & I swam (I swam 2000 yards!!) while the boys played in Y care. Then we came home for snacks and showers. We tried to go to the library but it was closed (silly me, forgot the holiday) so instead we played at the library playground. Then it was off to Food Lion so the boys could gather items for their Can-a-thon donations at school next week. Home for lunch and I was able to get the boys to nap - YAY! They took great naps and we enjoyed a little quiet time. We played outside a bit after naps while it was daylight. We had fun playing hide and seek with the boys. We decided to journey out to dinner Friday night - Jason's Deli. I had been thinking we needed to give it a try so we did. It was busy but the boys did pretty good and surprisingly both ate well. We found something for everyone and went home with full bellies.

This morning, Aunt Cary had to leave fairly early to catch a plane to see our other friends in Vermont (Holly, Jon, Jack and Casey). It was a quick visit that I think left Cary exhausted from our two little munchkins! Aunt Cary, we loved it and it's ALWAYS a treat to see you. We love you!! Thank you for coming to see us. Next up, Eli & I will jump on a plane to see you!

Cute shot of Cole Thursday morning at breakfast (yes I grab a camera whenever)
Funny face.
Thursday night story time.
Eli and Aunt Cary playing at the playground
She had no idea what was in store for her.
Climbing, sliding and
a game of tag.
Cole had fun watching it all.
Aunt Cary and her NC boys.
Whoa.....on the twisty thing.
THIS picture CRACKS ME UP. Both Eli and Cary's faces are hilarious. I took this shot from across the playground and then had to go rescue Aunt Cary. Eli got her spinning and left her there. She couldn't make it stop!
Doing donuts in Food Lion with their shopping carts.
And a little collision.
Carts full of stuff for the Can-a-thon. Great job boys!
How quickly moods can change. Cole is very good with the pouty lip!
Normal outside blur of Eli and the dump truck.
I'm not sure what was going on but I love Cary's laughing face here. We had lots of fun and laughed a lot.
Hide and seek.
Daddy hiding. We had so much fun playing.
Nose kisses - love Aunt Cary!

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