Sunday, September 14, 2008

"for meeting all the requirements of a first haircut with courage and bravery"

Yesterday Eli seemed to be doing pretty well so to get us all out of the house, we took him to get his first haircut. We went to Snip-Its. I had heard different things about Snip-Its but we had a good experience. Eli sat in the chair like a big boy and proceeded to eat animal crackers and watch tv while a nice lady, Gospel, cut his hair. He did great until it came time for the final buzz with the clippers. He didn't like that one bit! That part didn't last long and he was sporting his new hair cut like a big boy. She saved me some of his curls in a little bag and gave Eli a certificate of bravery for his first hair cut. It was pretty fun.

So here we were thinking Friday night was a fluke and Eli was ok. Boy were we ever wrong. He did the same projectile vomitting at dinner last night - this time at our house. He wasn't very interested in eating so that had us worried. He was restless until about midnight and then slept like a champ. We were a little worried when he didn't wake up at 6:30am like usual but we figured he was just super tired. He finally woke at 8:30am and I went in his room to find the most horrible smell. The diarrhea came back and was everywhere in his crib. I called Tim for reinforcements and we tag-teamed the clean up. We were worried about the vomitting and diarrhea (this was new for us) so we went to the doctor today. She said it was probably a continuation of the tummy bug we had before and we're just dealing with it. No milk, lots of carbs - anything we can get him to eat, and as much sleep as he wants. We're going to see how tonight and the morning pans out before we make a decision about school. Doc said if there's no more vomitting and no diarrhea, he could go. We're hoping his tummy is on the mend. This stuff is not fun!

Waiting for my cut

Eating animal crackers

Best picture I could get of the big boy haircut

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the tummy bug. And, in public. Aren't kids grand? Hope everyone is on the mend soon!
