Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Celebrating my Mom's Mom-aversary

Today is the Anniversary of when my Mom became a Mom. Yes, that is also known as my birthday. Not too many folks know the story of me & my Mom and how we "grew up" together. You see, my Mom was pretty young when she had me. She gave up a LOT to have me. She gave up a LOT to keep me. And I'm eternally grateful that she did. Everyone has decisions to make and choices in life. My Mom, thankfully, chose life and she chose me. Most folks who know me know that I'm a Christian and I'm very much pro-life. I cannot tell someone what to do with their life and their body but I am an example of "choosing life". 

Now that I'm a Mother, I have NO idea how my Mom did it - and how she put up with me growing up. I didn't appreciate as I was growing up how much Mom did for us. She always made sure we had what we needed and would not do things for herself. She made sure we had good memories and that we ALWAYS felt special, especially on our birthdays (ever wondered where I get it? Now you know!!). Kids can be mean and harsh as they grow up. I know I said and did mean things as a girl growing up but my Mom's example is my guiding beacon of the type of Mom I want to be and that I try to be. I see that being a Mother requires ongoing sacrifices and always keeping in mind what is best for your child. I know my Mom always made decisions with that in mind. Life was different "back then" and culture has changed so my challenges with the boys will be different but I will always do what I think is best for them. Mom & Dad also made sure to help me grow into a good person (at least I think so!). They didn't shelter me from the harsh reality of the world and life, they prepared me for it. They gave me a solid foundation to grow into an independent woman. THAT is something I very much appreciate and want to do for Eli and Cole. My goal is not to foster little boys that always need their Momma; it's to help them grow into strong young men (who also love their Momma!!). 

Mom, I know you read the blog and are probably surprised by this post but please know that you are my Hero. You are such a giving person - to your family and those around you - and still, to this day, put others before yourself. I hope that I've made you proud because you sure have made me proud! I love you with all my heart and am very thankful for all you have done and do all the time for us. I'm proud that you're my Mom and proud that you're the boys' Grandma! 
Baby me =)
Some old school polaroids! Me with my Grandpa, Grandma and Mom. I was kinda cute huh?! 
My 1st birthday (I still have my Raggedy Ann doll!)

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