Sunday, June 12, 2011

TGFG - Thank God for Grandmas

Grandma C came up for the weekend and the boys had a GREAT time. I'm not sure who is more tired from her visits - the boys or her! Grandma arrived Friday night before bed and the boys were happy to see her.

Saturday morning, Tim & I went on a bike ride early before Grandma & I took the boys to the Y for Eli's swim lesson. After the Y, we came home, Cole took an early nap and Eli, Grandma & I made a quick visit to the library. We decided to go by Food Lion to get some ice cream and Eli loved pushing their kid carts around. He has never been in there with me and it was fun for him. He actually wanted to keep shopping! Once Cole woke up from his nap, we took his crib apart. Mr. "Big Bed" is done with the crib. When Eli asked why we were taking it apart, I told him that there are no more babies in our house. Ever since, he has been walking around the house announcing that there are "No more babies in this house". We also managed to clean the garage some and sell a few things on Craigslist (but still have a few more to post). Saturday night was another special treat for Tim & I - we went out to dinner by ourselves! Next weekend is our anniversary so we took advantage of Grandma being here to do our bike rides and an early dinner out. It has been a LONG time since we went to dinner by ourselves.

Sunday morning, we started the same way. Tim & I went on a bike ride together and then the boys played outside with their bikes when we got home. We had a quick visit with Faye, Owen and Kara to give Faye her birthday presents and then we headed to the airport for some airplane watching and a picnic. Cole loves going to the airport and looking for planes. Eli had a great time running around and playing with other kids. When we got home, it was time for naps and to say goodbye to Grandma. The boys knew she wouldn't be here when they got up but they were looking for her anyway. I swear Grandma plays her heart out when she's here and the boys love getting all of her love and attention. And we love getting a little break - Thank you Grandma!!

After naps, we hung out at the house - inside and out - and just took it easy. I did some more crafting (this time cutting squares for another baby blanket) so that was really nice. It was a great weekend and we crammed a lot in. And now for the pictures......

Eli was so much happier this week at swim lessons.
Getting much more comfortable in the water on his front
and on his back.
Here the boys kicked their way to the deep end (10'!) holding onto a noodle.
Rescuing the stranded duck in the water.
Ice cream time!
Outside with Grandma. We're spending a lot of time on the back porch these days.
Trying to throw frisbie - Eli found this is our garage and Grandma tried to teach him how to throw it. He chose to do it his own way.
Grandma & her boys
Cole had his ice cream time a little late - look at those baby blues!
He was so funny sucking the ice cream out the bottom after it cracked.
My big boy
Mommy & Daddy - going out alone!
Bike ride Sunday morning
Our cute little riders - Cole is getting better about wearing a helmet. Eli is wearing MY helmet!
Future racing team
The cuteness kills me
The puddle in front of our house is a little boy magnet
and a big boy magnet. Eli is really good on his Strider bike.
Then it was time to run through the puddle.
Eli presenting Faye with her birthday blanket.
Looks like it was a hit. She wrapped up her baby in it.
Grandma & her boys at the airport park.
Watching and waiting for airplanes
We waited and watched for a long time
Cole just loves the airport
I love how they're both pointing at the plane on the runway in this shot.
Eli had fun playing with a borrowed dump truck (note to self: bring more toys next time)
Picnic time
On the observation platform
Found Eli sleeping like this tonight and had to take a picture
And found Cole sleeping like this - he grows every hour!

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