Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mommy's Weekend

This has been a very busy and productive weekend. While I have enjoyed the time to get some things done, I have missed Tim + Eli tremendously. I realize that I love noise in the house and having my boys home. I remember the days of living alone and how much I grew through that time and was completely content.....that's no longer me - I'm a wife and mother and chaos is part of my life now. =)

So here's the quick rundown of what I've done:

Friday night: picked up my computer, stopped by the scrapbook store, played with said computer for quite a while. 

Saturday: up early, started cleaning house and de-cluttering, unpacking baby clothes / washing them / putting away, finished a few things in Eli's new room, did I say laundry - LOTS of it!, went on a great 3 mile walk in the sunshine, went to see 'Bride Wars' with Carol, helped Amy + her family next door put the frame for the net on their new trampoline, dinner, lot of time organizing / editing photos (LOVE the new computer) while watching a movie on tbs, read some of my new book.

A note about the baby clothes: while I was going through the clothes, washing and putting away, I spent some time reflecting on Eli. He's so big now that it's amazing that some of the little clothes used to be huge on him. It's surprising how quickly you forget (or at least I did). While I'm looking forward to a second chance at babydom, I absolutely love where Eli is and how much we interact. I talked to Tim many times this weekend and each morning Eli came to the phone with a "Hi Mommy". This morning he said "Hi" very quickly and then "Bye" - turns out they were watching Bob the Builder, how can I compete? 

Today: read a bit of my book this morning, cleaned the kitchen, read the newspaper, a little more picking up upstairs and did some actual paper scrapbooking. I'm working on a mini-book that shows off my favorite photos of 2008. Now I've got lunch cooking and waiting for the phone call that my boys are on their way home. I'll probably make a quick run to Target, do some exercising and maybe more reading before they get here. Because once they get home, it's Mommy On! 

Thank you Tim for a weekend off. 
Stories and pictures from the boys' weekend later. 

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