Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boys' Weekend Recap

I think that Boys' weekend has been officially deemed a success. Tim + Eli left Friday night about 7:15 and Eli was good the entire drive down, finally falling asleep about 8:30. Once they got to Grandma + Grandpa N's house, Tim tried to put Eli to bed in the pack and play. Wrong - Eli wanted NOTHING to do with the pack and play. He is now Mr. "I'm a Big Boy and I only sleep in a big bed" so Tim put him in bed with him and they had a great night of sleep.

Saturday brought a gorgeous day and Eli was able to do some early morning walking around the yard with Grandpa. A trip to visit Ray and Thomas (Tim's friends Preston & Maria's boys) included lots more outdoor play, riding in a golf cart, splashing bird bath water everywhere, snacks and Tim catching up with friends. Eli was so tired when it was over that he fell asleep going back to Grandma + Grandpa's. After lunch and nap, more outdoor exploration and running around in the leaves. Eli had his first shrimp for dinner Saturday night and apparently loved it. Bath time and it was off to bed - this time starting in Grandma + Grandpa's bed until Daddy went to sleep.

This morning, after a big breakfast and a little dose of 'Bob', they headed to the aquarium. Eli wasn't quite as interested as we thought he would be but he still had fun looking at fish and he loved the turtles. Lunch and then it was on the road back home to Mommy. 

Eli was apparently very good on the drive home and when he got home, he was wide open - running around everywhere, acting silly and trying to jump. We played for a while and then went to the park to meet Carol + Ryan. How could Eli possibly go the entire weekend without seeing his best bud? We let the boys run around and burn off energy. They loved the swings and sliding down the big slides. Dinner, bath and now Eli's sleeping in his own big boy bed. 

Tim said it was a good weekend and that he'd try it again solo. Guess that's good news for me and also good news for Eli as I'm sure there will be many beach and boat adventures in his summer. Thanks Grandma + Grandpa for taking such great care of the boys this weekend. 

Morning coffee and chat with Grandpa
Cruising with my buddy Thomas
Splish Splash in the bird bath
Swinging with Grandma + Grandpa
LOVE the turtles
Didn't I tell you he loved turtles? Trying to give this one a kiss (or lick, not sure)
Swinging big boy style at the park

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