Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2.0 Update - 20 weeks

A little update on the new baby, affectionately known as 2.0.
Had my 20 week doctor's appointment today. Everything was good, my weight gain was good and so far the doctor is happy with progress on the weight front (very stressful if you're a woman!). Heard his sweet little heartbeat and that was it for today. Go back in 4 weeks for the 1 hour glucose test and another checkup and in 6 weeks for a follow up ultrasound. That one should be the 3d/4d one so that will be very cool. At these appointments, no excitement means all is normal but it is always good to hear the heartbeat. I'm starting to feel flutters now, starting to feel him move. If I sat down long enough, I'd probably feel him more but, with a crazy 18 month old, that doesn't happen too often!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Glad all is well and the house stuff is coming along!
